Contact Us
Please fill out the form below to send an inquiry to our Admissions Director, Anne Gardino.
Please indicate if you would like additional information about our program, the age or grade of the child in which you are seeking enrollment or if you would like to set up an appointment to come in to tour our program and school.
For all admissions inquiries, please call the school office between 8.00am-3.00pm: 901-685-1231. For fundraising or special event inquiries, please use our contact e-mail address below.
Holy Rosary Catholic School
The ANGEL Program
4841 Park Avenue
Memphis, TN 38117
ANGEL Admissions Director
Development & Fundraising:
The Angel Program Fund, Inc.
PO Box 770247
Memphis, TN 38177-0247
The Angel Program Fund, Inc. Board
Gene Mangiante, III, President
Kenneth D. McLean, Esq., Treasurer
Kim Scott